News – July, 29, 2018

Greetings Band Parents and Mac Band Supporters,

Nominations are now being accepted for Officers for the McMinnville Band Parent Organization for the 2018-2019 school year. Nominations will be accepted until August 8, 2018 and voting will be available to the general membership through an online service from August 9th through 13th.

Please send your nominations to with the name of the nominee and the position you are nominating them for. (And yes, you can nominate yourself!)

For more information, please see the selected text below from the MBPO Standing Rules with the positions available and duties of each officer.

The officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Chairs and other officers as approved by the General Membership. One person may hold two or more offices except the offices of President and Secretary.

The duties of Officers shall include, but are not limited to the following:
The President shall: (1) preside at all general membership and officer meetings; (2) coordinate the organization’s activities with the Band Director(s); (3) represent the MBPO at McMinnville Music Booster meetings; (4) ensure implementation of the organization’s purpose.
The Vice President shall: (1) assist the President and serve as President in his/her absence; (2) assume other duties as necessary and/or as directed by the President; (3) attend officer and general meetings and additional meetings as necessary.
The Secretary shall: (1) record minutes of officer and general meetings and any additional meetings as requested; (2) send electronic copy of the minutes to the Communications Chair and maintain a permanent copy on file; (3) maintain a hard copy and an electronic file of the organization’s Standing Rules for seven years; (4) assist with other correspondence as needed.
The Treasurer shall: (1) maintain custody of financial records and protect the financial assets of the organization; (2) keep up-to-date records of all income and expenditures on behalf of the MBPO and make them available to the McMinnville Music Boosters and MBPO members upon request; (3) deposit or transfer in a timely manner to the Treasurer of the McMinnville Music Boosters all income received on behalf of the MBPO; (4) coordinate disbursement of funds according to organization policy; (5) maintain an accurate accounting of all financial activities according to General Accounting Practices; (6) maintain a hard copy and electronic copy of the organization’s financial records for seven years, including regularly created backup files; (7) prepare a summary income and expense report for the general membership meetings.
The Communications Chair shall: (1) maintain a current roster of students, parents and other members as applicable; (2) ensure the minutes of officer and general meetings are posted on the Band Website(s); (3) ensure a weekly Band and Auxiliary schedule is posted on the Band Website(s).

Music Notation Software – FREE
Here’s something cool for anyone wanting to arrange music, compose, or just jot down a few notes. Sibelius | First is a new free version of the Sibelius music notation program. It’s obviously not as sophisticated as the professional version, but you can write (and play back) up to four parts, definitely enough to jot down ideas and make some simple arrangements. Click here for more information. (And no, they didn’t pay me to promote this, I just think it’s a great tool for any musician to have.)

Guard Practice
Guard members have been hard at work improving their skills with summer practices and there’s another one coming up this Saturday at Grandhaven. Plan to meet at the usual time – 9:00 a.m.


Stay hydrated,
Brian Bailey
McMinnville Band Parent Organization