MBPO General Meeting Minutes
- Call meeting to Order
- Secretary’s Report by Chris Shurts: Minutes are posted on the MAC Band website.
- Treasurer’s report by Brian Bailey: On Hand negative $18,800, Bottle drop fund has about $10,000, which means the net amount we have is negative $8800. All Winter competition fees have been paid a total of $2300. We had to pay for the bus for Kamiak, still working on getting half of the total from the High School. How much do we need to be black by June? Winter groups estimated to need to $17,700 for the season. Estimated winter student fees will bring in $3,600. The remaining balance to fundraise is $14,100. Estimated funds needed through end of school year are $23,000 to be even. This is a familiar amount from past years, and we have always ended in the black. We just need to keep working to bring in more fundraising. Is this amount on par for most years, or is this a red flag? We are about where we have been every year, just have to be creative and we have some other fundraisers coming up to include Jazz on Third later this year.
- Director’s Report by Mr. David Barton: Pep band on Friday 1/12. There are 5 total nights, all double headers. Pep band will play for a total of 10 games: 2 in January and 3 in February. Not playing during Mac Madness game. The jazz band plays one game. On Jan 17th, Keynote concert at First Baptist Church. The Jazz Band is the opener for “The Hit Machine”. Swingin’ on a Star is Jan 27th. We host League Jazz Festival again this year. Looking into an in-state trip to La Grande and Ontario for the end of May. Winter season: Guard has 4 competitions. First guard show will be on February 3rd in Tigard, then Grants Pass on March 9th, Kelso on March 16th, and Championships at Liberty on March 30th. Percussion has 3 competitions. South Albany on Feb 17th, Sherwood Middle School on March 9th, and Championships at Sherwood on April 6th. We may host Ridgeline High School to stay at the High School for Championships. Trailers will be going to two different directions on March 9th. Percussion will need a truck and trailer. Mr. Barton will be going with the Guard, so he is working on getting a chaperone along with the percussion instructors.
- Committee Reports:
- Bottle Drive by Scott Milam: The December drive went well, a bunch of kids and a couple of parents helped. Question was asked if there has been any decrease since Bottle drop has opened, and no changes have been noticed. Need to plan dates for the next couple of months. It was decided to keep the 4th Saturday of each month: January 27th, February 24th, and March 23rd.
- Fundraising by Andrea Milam: Update on funds raised from RaiseRight: 20 people, 12 families have joined RaiseRight. MAC Band has earned $161.47 from 4 families. A concern was brought up that fees are more expensive and then the band receives less when you pay with a card. It was noted that this might be a problem, but we will see what happens in the future. Next Popcorn fundraiser will be the first week of February. Brian helped set up Front Door and Andrea and Laura will be applying for grants in the next couple of weeks. ACH has been approved.
- Costumes: Sheri Barton is measuring guard tonight. Percussion may just wear their band shirt.
- Props by Brian Bailey & Collin Gyenes: Drama department donated a tree, and we need to make one more tree.
- Food by Tegan Johnson: Tegan will cover Winter Percussion as she did during band competitions. We need someone to organize and prepare food for the winter guard. Mac Band Parent Organization pays for food. You can volunteer for 1 performance or the whole season. Please email mbpo40@gmail.com if you are able to help. Guard has 14 members plus 2 instructors plus parents that come.
- Merchandise by Tonya Hill: Merchandise will be sold at Swingin’ on a Star.
- Travel: Winter Guard is going to Grants Pass on March 9th and will be staying the night. Current plan is for parents to drive the guard and a trailer will be pulled down with floor and props.
- New Business:
- Music Booster’s Fundraiser Swingin’ on a Star will be on January 27th. Dinner and music performances from MHS Jazz band, Jazz Choirs, and other local schools. WE THREE will also be performing. Get Your Tickets!! Tickets for dinner are $55. Balcony tickets are $10. Food is by Biscuit and Pickles. Raffles are going on throughout. We are looking for donations. The Symphonic Choir needs robes and that will be the big ticket item being requested.
- Mekayla Borges came to the meeting. She plays trombone and recently learned baritone. She auditioned for the Seattle Cascades and earned a spot. She is looking for donations to cover the $5000 fee. She has already raised $3500 and is looking for help with the remaining $1500. She continues to reach out to lots of organizations. She will be signing her contract by 1/15/2024. All funds due June 1, 2024. It was decided we will help complete her fundraising efforts after she raises more money through other community organizations. There are 3 people (2 musicians and 1 guard) that were awarded a spot, and we will use Swingin’ on a Star to request money for all 3 students.
- Announcements:
- The next Swingin’ on a Star Planning meeting is Thursday 1/16 at 6:15 at Local Flow on 3rd Street.
- Next Parent meeting February 13th at 6:15pm.
- Meeting Adjourned
Respectfully submitted by Chris Shurts