News – September 30, 2018

Greetings Band Parents and Mac Band Supporters,

Thanks to all the parents who pitched in and made Friday’s Tailgate Party such a great success! The food was delicious and the parents and band had a fun time just hanging out before the game. Shout outs to Shelly Andrus for jumping in and getting the food on the table, Mark Lucas for grilling all the hot dogs, and to Patricia Manson for all the tasty cupcakes! (To save you the time counting, there were 100 of them – in 5 different flavors.)

Thanks also to Marc Dana (Mr. Dana to the students) for posting a video of the band’s halftime performance on the Mac Band (members only) Facebook page. It’s great to see the band from the grandstand, but it’s even better to be standing right in front of them when they play. See below to find out how you can get this same opportunity later this week.

Now that the March-a-thon is over, your student may be wondering what to do with all the money they raised. Jamie and I will be around at marching practice on Tuesday evening to collect the money and credit it to their Fair Share account.

If you would like a more information or need a balance on the account, you can contact Jamie at

It’s a Wrap
Have you seen the new artwork on the Mac Band trailer?


This week’s schedule:

Tuesday, October 2nd – Marching Practice – 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm @ Baker Field

Wednesday, October 3rd – Grizzly Fest – 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm @ High School Entrance

Thursday, October 4th – Marching Practice – 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm @ Baker Field

Friday, October 5th – Football Game – 6:00 pm call time

Saturday, October 6th – Liberty Marching Arts Challenge @ Hillsboro Stadium


Parent Help
As noted, this Saturday is the first marching competition for the Mac Band. With the larger front ensemble this year, there is a lot more equipment that needs to be moved on and off the field. In addition to getting a chance to hang out with some great kids and awesome parents, you get to see and hear the band from front and center. We’ll be honing our instrument moving skills at practice this week and also at the game on Friday. Please consider joining us!

Did you Book your Room in Grants Pass?
A few days ago I heard that there was just one room left at the Best Western Grants Pass Inn for the night of October 13th. Hopefully, you got your reservation made, if not, I would suggest doing it ASAP.

Fun Fact: The Mac Band has 99 students marching and 1 alternate for the Visual Ensemble.

See you soon,
Brian Bailey
McMinnville Band Parent Organization