Greetings Band Parents and Mac Band Supporters,
Saturday, January 25th is the date for this year’s Jazz Night – an evening of music, food, and festivities. The MHS Jazz Band, the Twilighters, and other student ensembles will provide the entertainment, Rogue Gourmet Catering provides the dinner, and local businesses and organizations provide an assortment of auction items.
Jazz Night is the main fundraiser for the McMinnville Music Boosters (which the McMinnville Band Parent Organization is a part of.) This event helps provide a large part of the funds for the MHS Band program.
There are a variety of ways you can help:
* Donate an item for the silent auction (reply to this email or text me at 971-901-6477)
* Lend a hand before or during the event (email
* Buy tickets and come enjoy the evening (click here to get tickets)
Happy New Year,
Brian Bailey
McMinnville Band Parent Organization