March MBPO Meeting

MBPO Parent Meeting on March 12th, 2024

  1. Welcome and Introductions.
  2. Treasurer Report: Report was handed out, summary below.
    1. On hand: -$19591.84
    2. Bottle Drop: $10,430.09
    3. Total: -$9,161.75
    4. Estimated Remaining Expenses: $10.472.47
      1. Winter Guard ($6017.32):  Hotel $1000, Transportation $37.90, Props $103.88, 3 Meals $900, Costumes $454.84, and Flags $720.70
      2. Winter Percussion ($3521.34):  Transportation $61.37, 2 meals $827.79, Tenor Drums $537
      3. Instructors $2075
      4. Misc $20.18
      5. Other $933.81
      6. Merchandise $869.50
      7. Ties $64.31
      8. Estimated Income $7870
      9. Estimated Needed through End of School year: $11,764.52
  1. Grants: Walmart and First Federal Grants are being worked on.
  2. Directors Report: Grants Pass went well, a lot of parents with very little to do. Guard did fantastic. Percussion was amazing, judges really liked it and still looking to improve. Kudos for Niah for writing the show. Next Guard show will be in Kelso, no need for trailer leaving at 7:30 get back at 9:00. Three concerts next week – Jazz concert’s on Tuesday, Choir on Wednesday, and Thursday is Band-a-palooza. Guard and percussion will practice through spring break. Winter Guard championship is on the Saturday of Spring break. Tuesday and Thursday practice will start at 4 and go longer than usual. Focus for the band will be on league band coming out of Spring break, going to Pleasant Hill. Trailer brakes are now repaired, school should be paying for that. Need to find a way to get Percussion parents to percussion performances. Can the parent group reach out to Percussion parents to invite them to come and participate during Percussion parents. Parents are needed at performances both for support and assistance with moving equipment. September there is a WGI training in California, we are looking to help Lexi get to the training. Winter groups have been invited to perform for Middle Schools on April 11th, but it might conflict with Model UN Conference.  Barton stated that he does not need help for Band-a-palooza.
  3. Bottle Drive: Next bottle drice is March 23rd. RaiseRight is still going on, please participate. Continue into next year.
  4. Budget: Covered above
  5. Uniforms: No update. Do we have special uniforms ordered? Yes, Mr. Barton is working with company.
  6. Food: Tegan will have food for next Percussion
  7. New Business
    1. Jazz on 3rd: April 23rd at 6pm-8:30pm at the Grand Ballroom. Venue is reserved, most things are being taken care. Volunteer list will go out for mostly students with some parent needs.
  8. Next Parent meeting April 9th
  9. Good of the Order: How do we want to reach out percussion parents? Talked about a volunteer signup sent out or an email to encourage sign up and participation. Need 6 people to help set up tent. Need help pushing instruments on and off the performance floor.
  10. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Chris Churts