Mac Band Parent Meeting 8/13/24

Call To order:  Meeting Started at 6:15

Presidents Report:

Thank you for coming. Introductions were made around the room. Most of the leadership positions are parents of seniors. We would like to start training replacements this year for moving forward. Volunteers are needed, so please get involved and help out. There are weekly emails that go out and volunteer opportunity sign-ups will be within those emails. We discussed and went over what a typical competition day looks like and the volunteer opportunities. ALL Volunteers need to get background checks that could take up to 2 weeks. Look on the school website for a volunteer form. On Wednesday’s of competition weeks, there will be an email that has the competition schedule, what students need to bring, and what time they will be meeting. There will also be a sign up sheet for volunteer opportunities. The NWAPA website will also have information about the competition: We discussed the Grants Pass Overnight Trip. We typically leave around 6am, drive to Grants Pass and stay the night in a hotel. Drive home on Sunday. The hotel fee is included in the band fees for the students. Parents that make the trip to Grants Pass will need to pay for their own hotel. We will communicate what hotel the band is staying at, if you want to stay at the same hotel you are welcome to. There will be plenty of chaperones at the hotel so if you don’t want to be near the band, you can avoid that hotel.

Treasurer Report (as of August 1st):

On hand:  $-18,116.45
Bottle Drop:  $2,454.69
Total:  $-15,661.76

Directors Report:

We have good kids and we set high expectations, the students meet those expectations. Thank you for raising good kids. Find website, there is a lot of information on that website. Contact Mr. Barton at any time, email or text he will answer any questions. There is a ton of communication out there. If you don’t see something you need, please ask and we can provide information and add it to the website. Parents you have abilities and talents that I don’t have, we need you and what you do well. We create a huge performance for a lot of money, so your kids can learn something, enjoy it, and do hard things. They become better people through this process. We do everything and need help. PLEASE offer your talents and we will use it. If you don’t think you are needed, come to the first competition. Come and hangout, watch the kids, be with the kids when they are nervous and excited. You get to see your child in a different way and it is amazing. Comment from a parent: I never saw my son in a band, but he gets up on his own and gets to school on his own. He is on the honor roll, he wants to go to college and get a job. Mr. Barton continued. When it gets hard, please talk to your child and help them keep going. Show some tough love and help them keep going. Don’t let them talk you into allowing them to stay home rather than go to practice. Question from Parent: What do we do if there is a schedule conflict? Mr. Barton said to have the student talk to Mya, a trombone player who runs in cross country. She can help your student know how to communicate with coaches. We will work with their schedule. If there is a problem contact Mr. Barton. Question from Parent: Can we get contact information on website? Mr. Barton said that we will put that information on the website. Performances are mandatory, please do not take your kid away during a performance. Question from Parent: How many kids do we have this year? Mr. Barton said we have 57 students. 60 is the number to divide classification. If we get over 60 we will perform at U of O for Championships, below 60 we will be at Hillsboro. We cannot contact a lot of the incoming freshman, because the school is switching away from Eschool. Mr. Barton said he should be able to start communicating better next week with them. Question from Parent: Any trips planned? Mr. Barton said we are looking for an out of state trip in the Spring. Question from Parent: As we drive by practice, can we honk? Mr. Barton said YES, We love it. Band fees are $350 – that includes Grants Pass hotel. Scholarships are available, if needed.

Committee Report:

Bottle Drive: Scott Milam
Every 4th Saturday at Incahoots from 10 – 2
Sign up sheet on will be sent out in the weekly email.
Students earn $25 per day that they volunteer for their student account.
We need more people to help out on bottle drives.
We are participating in the Blue bag program. You can get blue bags and stickers from Incahoots. Question from Parent: Can we extend the hours? Scott said we will discuss this with the owner.

Fundraising: Andrea Milam
We are starting a corporate sponsorship drive. We are doing a matching competition, where a big donor will match what we can raise. In August we will look for the “Big Fish” Donors. Whatever we raise in September the Big Fish will match. Ongoing year round forever fundraiser is called Raiseright. It is a gift card fundraiser. You buy a gift card for where you are going to spend money, use the gift card then we get a portion of the amount on the gift card. There are some fees but they are small.

Carwash at the High School Annex on Saturday 8/17 from 1-5pm. Students should be gathering pledges for each car washed. Goal is for each student to gather $1.00 per car washed with a goal of 200 cars. We will also accept on-site donations. Any pledges gathered ahead of time will go towards your students’ band fees.

Uniforms: Sherry Barton
After the September parent meeting we will do Uniform fitting and will need help.
Dinkles (black shoes) will need to be purchased, check email for information. Link on to purchase.

Props: Brian Bailey and Collin Gyenes
Stay tuned, we have some props that need to be built.

Food: Tegan Johnson
More information will be coming soon. Tegan will be checking for any food allergies. Tegan will be planning meals, but she needs help serving and purchasing food. Volunteer sign ups will be sent by email.

Merchandise: Tonya Hill
Looking to put in a mass order and want to ensure proper sizes are ordered. Please speak with Tonya Hill to place any orders. There is a 3 week wait time, so we are looking to place an order this coming week. We really want to order proper sides so please reach out if you want something.

We sell the following items:
T-shirts, hats, or beanies are $15
Hoodies are $35
Band and Guard Sweatpants are $40
Polos are $30
Please place orders this week.

Travel: Troy Blair
There will be chaperones at the Grants Pass trip. Parents need to pay for their own hotel costs, but the kids’ hotel cost is covered in the $350 fee. Hotel will be communicated later.

If you haven’t gone to a marching band competition go see the Grants Pass, their band is amazing and very large. It is a great competition. Linfield competition got moved to Hillsboro, Linfield cannot host this year. This is a clinic where they get judged and feedback directly with the band. Check the website for upcoming events and they will be communicated by email. Marching band ends in November. Winter guard and Winter Percussion starts in December and goes through April. Parade Season will be at the end of school. Next year band camp is the 1st full week of August. If there are any more questions, please reach out to

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Chris Shurts