Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters, I have heard that the First Federal Customer Ballots are arriving in the mail…
Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters, The bottle and can drives are continuing to generate a lot of income for…
Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters, Our final bottle and can drive of the year is coming up this Saturday,…
Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters, Our November Bottle Drive fundraiser is this coming Saturday, November 21st. This fundraiser has…
Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters, The next BottleĀ Drive is on the calendar forĀ Saturday, November 21st. As usual, we’ll need…
Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters, Sorry for the late notice, but with Halloween falling on the last Saturday of…
Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters, In an effort to include Mr. Barton in our Band Parent meeting, we’ve decided…
Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters, As a reminder (or if you missed the previous email), rehearsals are happening on…
Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters, Here’s the latest on the Mac Band… Rehearsals have started up again on Tuesday…
Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters, I’ve received the word from Mr. Barton that Marching Band rehearsals will resume thisĀ Thursday,…