News – October 14, 2018

Greetings Band Parents and Mac Band Supporters,

In Grants Pass the Mac Band had another successful competition. There are always new challenges to meet and the band is continuing to improve and move up. Out of the 5 bands in our division, the Mac Band’s Visual Ensemble took home the High Auxiliary Award in the Preliminary round. Congratulations!


Ya Gotta Have Friends

I’m the first to admit that Facebook is not my friend, but luckily we have band parents who get along with it well and who have fixed the access issues to the Mac Band (Members Only) Page.  Jamie wrote up an informative primer about the two band Facebook pages and also the band’s Instagram account and you can learn all about them and how to become a member right here on the Parents page of the Macband website.  Thanks Jamie!


This week’s schedule:

Tuesday, October 16th – Marching Practice – 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm @ Baker Field

Thursday, October 18th – Marching Practice – 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm @ Baker Field

Saturday, October 20th – Century Showcase @ Hillsboro Stadium
I’ll send out another email later in the week with more details about this competition.


A Great Weekend in Grants Pass!
We had another big turnout of parental support in Grants Pass. Delicious food, organized uniforms, quick instrument fixes, lots of personpower moving equipment and setting up tents – all the help that makes putting on a show like this so much easier and also a lot of fun. Thank you all!

P. S. While cleaning up after the show, we picked up an insulted blue water bottle with ‘Coach Randy’ written on the side. If this belongs to you or someone you know, please send me an email, and we’ll be sure it gets back where it belongs.

See you soon,
Brian Bailey
McMinnville Band Parent Organization