Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters,
Our November Bottle Drive fundraiser is this coming Saturday, November 21st. This fundraiser has proven to be very successful for the band. Please consider volunteering some time, if you’re available. Click on the link to pick a doable time slot.Ā Sign-up Here
As usual,Ā the Bottle Drive will runĀ from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the Incahoots parking lot (905 NE Baker Street).
In other news, there isn’tĀ much news. BandĀ rehearsals are still on hold for the time being, but as soon as IĀ hear anything, I’ll let you know.
I’ve been browsing the usual band-related websites and in case you haven’t, NWAPA (the associationĀ that organizes Marching Band, Winter Percussion and Winter Guard events in our area) will not be hosting any competitions this winter. Likewise, Winter Guard International will not be hosting in-person events.
See you at the Bottle Drive,
BrianĀ Bailey
McMinnville Band Parent Organization