News – June 14, 2020

Greetings Band Parents and Mac Band Supporters,

(My apologies for not getting this going sooner, but better late than never.)

Nominations are now being accepted for Officers for the McMinnville Band Parent Organization for the 2020-2021 school year. Nominations will be accepted until June 27, 2020 and voting will be available to the general membership through an online service from June 28th through July 10th.

Please send your nominations to [email protected] with the name of the nominee and the position you are nominating them for – President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer.* (And yes, you can nominate yourself!)

For more information, please see the MBPO Standing Rules with the position descriptions and duties of each officer.

* Note: The position of Treasurer may soon be changed to Fundraising Chair


On the Calendar
To my knowledge, we are still in limbo as to what the Marching Band season will look like this fall. Here’s the link to the Oregon Department of Education guidance for fall school reopening. They will be updating their guidance every two weeks through summer and into the fall. At this time, we are patiently awaiting information from the school district about what things will look like here in McMinnville.

Bottle Drive – Saturday, June 20th
Have some returnable bottles and cans you need to clear out? The next Mac Band Bottle Drive is coming up on Saturday, June 20th. Once again we’ll be in the Incahoots parking lot – 905 NE Baker Street. Bring your empties by anytime between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Thanks for reading and stay well,
Brian Bailey
McMinnville Band Parent Organization