News – April 11, 2021

Greetings Band Parents and Mac Band Supporters,

Spring is here, the kids will soon be going back to school (or at least have the option), and things are looking hopeful for a Fall marching band season. I, for one, can’t wait to be back in a stadium cheering on the band.

I hope you’ve had a chance to read the first issue of In Step, the newsletter about the Mac Band. Please feel free to print copies or forward the link to people you think would be willing to help support the band.

Donations can be made anytime at the Donate tab on the MacBand website.

What’s coming up?

Your Band Parent Board will be getting together via Zoom for a quick meeting this Tuesday, April 13th at 7:00 p.m. All band parents and supporters are welcome to join us. Please reply to this email if you would like the access information.

The next Bottle Drive will be back in McMinnville on Saturday, April 24th. (Latest total on our Bottle Drop account: $9,360.80)

Plans are being made for an All Band Parents Meeting in May to discuss what the band program will look like for the final weeks of the school year and also the fall marching season. More details to come!

Hope to see you soon,
Brian Bailey
McMinnville Band Parent Organization