Greetings Band Parents and Mac Band Supporters,
If you are a customer of First Federal, you probably received a ballot in the mail asking for your vote on how they allocate donations to local non-profits. You may have noticed that the McMinnville Music Boosters is not on the list.
Please help us get there by going to the bottom of the ballot and checking the box that says “I’d like to nominate a new organization.”
Write in “McMinnville Music Boosters” and for the address, write in “1271 NE Hwy 99W #161”
If we can get 10 write-ins, we will receive a contribution and will be included on next year’s list.
Any contributions from this program will be earmarked for the Band Parent Organization.
Ballots must be mailed by February 29th.
P. S. If you need additional ballots, you can pick them up at any branch
Thanks for your help,
Brian Bailey
McMinnville Band Parent Organization