September 2024 MBPO Meeting Minutes

MBPO Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2024

President Jeremy Weisz called the meeting to order.  He expressed appreciation for coming.


President’s Report

1st Competition will be September 28th at Hillsboro Stadium.  Schedule will be released about 1 week ahead of time. Students will take a bus to and from the competition.  Times will be announced later, but plan for around 7:00 am departure.  Kids need to eat breakfast before they come, MBPO will feed them snacks, lunch, and dinner.

We need help with each competition. We need adults to put up and take down tents at the beginning of the day and end of the day.  We need help unloading and reloading the trailers.  We need help feeding all of the students plus adults who are there helping.  We need help moving props on and off the field.  The pit needs help getting on and off the field as well.  We have a lot more stuff this year to move on and off the field for each competition and we cannot do it without all of your help.  We might need a driver for one of the trucks and trailers.  We are also looking for someone who wants to learn and take over the sound board for next year.  Jeremy will train this year and get you ready for next year.  If you are interested talk to Jeremy and he will clarify any questions and would be happy to train.

**If you sign up to volunteer ahead of time, your wristband will be paid for by the band.** 

The 2nd Competition will be in Grants Pass, OR on October 12th.  The buses typically leaves around 6:00 am Saturday morning, and the students will stay in a hotel in Grants Pass.  Sunday morning, the students will eat breakfast and head back to the band room.  They usually arrive around lunch time.  The hotel the students will be staying in is the Best Western Grants Pass Inn.  Mr. Barton has already booked the rooms.  As many of you might have heard, it is near Winco, which is a highlight of the trip according to veteran band members.  If you are planning on making the trip, you are responsible for your own hotel room.

The 3rd competition is in Kelso WA on October 19th.  More information will come as we get closer to the date.  This will NOT be an overnight.

NWAPA Championships will be on November 2nd.  Location is TBD at this time.  We could be at Hillsboro Stadium or Autzen Stadium.  More information will come as we get closer.

All volunteers need to fill out a background check through the school system.  The weekly email shared the link or you can go to the school website for the link.

Treasurer’s Report

Car wash earned $730 donations on the day.  MBPO has -$13,090.98 on hand at this time.  The Bottle drop account has $2650.61.  The Balance is -$10,440.37.

To pay your band fees, please pay through the Band website. Please DO NOT pay on My School Bucks.  If you have already paid through My School Bucks, please let us know and we can collect the money from the school.

Director’s Report

Please volunteer.  We need you!

Committee Reports

Bottle Drive – Scott Milam

Next Bottle drive will be September 21st this month.  It will be back to the 4th Saturday in October.  We are extending the time on Saturday’s 10am-3pm for marching band season. This opens more slots for helpers.

A parent asked if we add some receptacles with blue bags at the football games?  Some people thought Senior Grad night is currently doing this, so we may need to talk to the school admin.

Fundraising – Andrea Milam

Raise right is still going on.  If you have a business that is willing to donate, speak with Andrea and she will help with that.

Uniforms – Sherry Barton

Students were fitted for their uniforms after the meeting.  Sheri will be hemming the uniforms as needed.  Guard uniforms have already been ordered.

Props – Brian Bailey & Collin Gyenes

We are a little behind, but we have a prototype that is being used tonight.  If they like it, we will build the rest and need help painting.  Starting next week, look for opportunities to help with props.  Text group will be created for those who can help with props.  We will have two speaker carts that will have a platform on top for soloists.  There will be 7-8 field screens that will go in front of the back ensemble.  There will also be about 12 field screens in the front of the field. Field Screens need a lot of work to get ready.  We will ave four Trapezoid carts with doors that go on the field.  We need roughly need 12-15 helpers to move props and equipment on and off the field.  If you are available Tuesday and/or Thursday night stop by practice and Brian could use your help.  If you are interested in helping out and are willing to be included on a group text for work parties please reach out to Brian Bailey or send an email to MBPO.

Food – Tegan Johnson

Look for signup sheets to help out, look for opportunities on the sign up sheet.

Merchandise – Tonya Hill

Merchandise should be here in about a week. Pre-purchases will be organized and ready along with new purchases.

Travel – Troy Blair

If you are going to Grant Pass feel free to book a room at the Best Western Grants Pass Inn or you can stay in a separate hotel.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Chris Shurts

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