News – January 14, 2018

Greetings BandĀ Parents and Mac Band Supporters,

Thanks to everyone who attended last week’s Band Parent Meeting. (Guard Parents keep an eye out for a meeting notice from Mr. Barton that will focus specifically on Winter Guard.)Ā The next general meeting is coming up on Tuesday, February 6th (our usual schedule would have put the meeting on the 13th, but that is just a little too close to Valentine’s Day for some of us.)

We’ve had a lot of discussion about ways to support the band and the most important at the moment is to spread the word about Mr Barton’s upcoming 50K run. PLEASE visit the Donate page of the Mac Band website for complete details and PLEASE share it with as many people as you can. And THANK YOU!

We also discussed the new website and one thing that was requested was a place where everyone could share their photos and ideas without having to have special access or login to a specific program. So you’ll now find a new page that is entitled Share where you can upload photos, send ideas, make comments and ask questions.

ThisĀ week’s schedule highlights: (keep up-to-date by checking the Calendar of Events page at the Mac Band website)

Extended Winter Guard Practice
Monday, January 15 @ 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Pep Band
Tuesday, January 16 @ 6:00 pm meet in the high school band room, game starts at 6:45

Pops Concert
Thursday, January 18 @ 7:00 pmĀ in the high school auditorium.

Jazz Night
Saturday, January 20 @ 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Community Center

See you soon,
Brian Bailey
McMinnville Band Parent Organization